PC Speaker

Ely Wilson (plexus@ionet.net)
Wed, 4 Nov 1998 04:19:52 -0700 (MST)

Okay, i check the lkml faq, libc info and man pages, KHG and the LPG. I
cannot find out what device to be using the ioctl(,KDMKTONE,); fucntion
'against'. I tried creating the /dev/beep as described in
/usr/src/linux/Documentation/devices.txt using

mknod -m a+rw /dev/beep c 10 128

And i get errors using open("/dev/beep", O_WRONLY); (trying to get a file
descriptor to use with ioctl.

Can someone help me out here? Have an example code maybe or know where one
is at? Or even what device I shoudl be trying to access here becasue teh LPG
does not cover that part... aamof most of teh lpg is quite vague about

Thanks in advance.

ely <plexus@ionet.net>

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