Re: [2.1.127-pre3] gcc crashes in schec.c!

Dan Glover (
3 Nov 1998 23:25:04 -0000

Michael Warfield wrote:

> I just ran into a gcc crash with 2.1.127pre3 that I did not see
> in 2.1.127pre2. It may be the same thing that started out this thread
> (did not save original message but the subject sounded right). I get
> the following error attempting to compile sched.c

[that looks *very* familiar]

I never tried 2.1.127pre2 as I missed the patch posted to the list and
couldn't find it on at the weekend. Compiling
2.1.127pre3 fails exactly as described.

> gcc version

Mine's still plain old 2.7.2, I was intending to upgrade to see if it
solved the problem, but perhaps not. This box is an i486, so obviously
I normally run with SMP commented out of my makefile...

> [...] So it looks
> like it's a problem if SMB is disabled. I know Linus is primarily focusing
> on SMP and I have no problem there... I'll see if I can narrow down
> the problem to a particular change...

Yes, if I build an SMP kernel the compile continues past the point of
failure. Whether it will complete building and actually run sensibly on
this machine is nother thing entirely. I'll know tomorrow, off to bed

> Another point on the curve is that there is no difference between
> sched.c in 2.1.127pre2 where it compiles single processor and in 2.1.127pre3
> where it blows the compiler. Macro expansion?

I was planning to play "spot the change" if I got hold of pre2, so
thanks for that. I really don't know enough to be able to nail the
problem, but perhaps knowing that it isn't specific to any particular
CPU or gcc version is helpful in eliminating some possibilities? I'm
happy to forward any other details if needed.


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