Aiee:Scheduling in interrupt

Alexandre Perematko (
Tue, 03 Nov 1998 11:14 -0500


I have mail hub, running zmailer at linux RH 4.2, 2.0.35 kernel.
Hardware: 2xPPro 200Mhz,Moterboard ASUS, 64Mb RAM, SCSI DPT PM2144UW with 32 mb
onboard, 2 4GB Seagate, configured as RAID 1 using DPT controller.

During last few month I upgraded kernel from 2.0.31 -> 2.0.34 ->2.0.35 with the
same configuration.
At 2.0.34 I started to get crashes with following diagnostics approximately once
every 2 month.

Aiee:Scheduling in interrupt xxxxxxx
[about 20 the same messages]
Aiee:Scheduling in interrupt xxxxxxx

No any other messages ws found before this diagnostics and no messages was
written into system log.
Tracing address have shown that error address always inside __wait_on_buffer

Approximately at the time of switching to 2.0.35 I changed configuration of
zmailer and made a mistake there. Because of mistake I got a lot of mail looping
between 2 machines, so load and disk activity significantly increased ( about
10-15 mails per second ). Under this load I started to get this message
approximately every 2 hours. Mailer configuration error was found after that and
everything went back to peaceful 1 crash per month state ( at least I hope so

I run memtest86 on this hardware for 3 days with 0 errors.

Any suggestions ?


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