unfs problem 2.0.x

Roman Drahtmueller (draht2@rzlin1.ruf.uni-freiburg.de)
Mon, 2 Nov 1998 08:10:19 +0100 (MET)


I have a directory which breaks an nfs-mount of its parent by an
apparent dupe of a directory inode, not quite sure if it's an nfs
server or client problem. Who's interested in taking a look at it?


serv:/home is mounted on /home on host "clio". If /home/alf is
accessed, /home/alf is visible on /home. This only happens with this
single directory. No other directories under /home are accessible any
more, and ".." within alf's home points to "/" (the client's "/"), no
matter whether "alf" is stored under "/home" or "/home/client".

even stranger:
root@clio:/home # find . -inum 1879054337
root@clio:/home #
, eg it seems as if this dir has two names (hardlinks) under nfs, but
not on the server. The same happens on an identical client. On the
server, there is nothing unusual with this directory.

/home is seperate filesystem on server, it's exported with root_squash.
There is no filesystem corruption on /home on the server.
nfs-umount+mount /home cures the problem temporarily until this
directory is accessed and listed again, moving /home/alf elsewhere
cures it for longer.

nfs server version 2.2beta37
kernels both 2.0.36-ac-pre15
e2fsck 1.10, 24-Apr-97 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09 lib 1.10, 24-Apr-97

Computer Center University of Freiburg, Germany.
"The whole world is about three drinks behind." (Humphrey Bogart)

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