Re: Porting to 4MB pages

Craig Milo Rogers (rogers@ISI.EDU)
Thu, 29 Oct 1998 10:33:57 -0800

>> Extending this thought a little, what would it take to create
>> an i386-4M "port" of Linux, by which I mean, one in which *all* pages
>> were 4M?
>this would be a disaster. Just calculate how much physical RAM the typical
>200 processes need that are running in a Linux system. 800M at least ...

Hmm... I see only about 60-70 processes on my Linux
workstation. I had a 2G Xeon system in mind for the i386-4M port,
anyway. This is all beside the point, though: the i386-4M port might
be very handy for a system that's devoted to running a special
application, such as a Linux rendering farm.

[Even more offtopic]
Now that Windoes NT 5.0 has been renamed Windows 2000, we
should reconsider the rumor that the number that appears after the word
"Windows" is a minimum memory requirement in megabytes.

Craig Milo Rogers

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