Re: halted system still working as router.

Adam D. Bradley (
Wed, 28 Oct 1998 23:15:29 -0500 (EST)

On Wed, 28 Oct 1998, Paul wrote:

> The power in my apartment went out and my ups was about to fail. I
> typed "shutdown -h now" <enter>. The machine shutdown and halted. It
> said, The system is halted, and System Halted. My ups never did die.
> The curious thing was that when the power came back on I found that my
> computer was still routing traffic to the internet. Is this normal
> behaviors for a computer that has been halted? Is this a kernel
> problem, or specific to my machine(or my kernel)?

If your shutdown scripts don't delete routes or bring the interfaces down,
this is the normal, expected behavior. A "shutdown" in most distributions
involves syncing and unmounting all filesystems and terminating all
processes, but the interrupt handlers and bottom-half scheduler (the
things that do routing) stay active.

I know some people who use this trick to "hack-proof" their home
firewalls/routers: once the routes are set up, userspace shuts down
completely, so there are no root processes to hack ;-)

If this behavior is undesirable in your environment, modify your shutdown
scripts to delete the routes and down the interfaces.


You crucify all honesty             \\Adam D. Bradley
No signs you see do you believe      \\Boston University Computer Science
And all your words just twist and turn\\    Grad Student and Linux Hacker
Reviving just to crash and burn        \\                             <><
--------->   Why can't you listen as love screams everywhere?   <--------

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