'Power down.' doesn't on my laptop, sysv-2.75, halt -p

MOLNAR Ingo (parse@salem.k12.va.us)
Wed, 28 Oct 1998 22:28:18 -0500 (EST)

I checked sysvinit sources and kernel sources; the 'halt' cmd is
giving the right magic, and I'm getting the kernel 'Power down.' printk,
which is followed immediately by a call to machine_power_off(), which
doesn't do the trick.

I have an HP OmniBook 5500CT, which runs fine otherwise under
2.1.127pre2. Same behavior under .125. Powers off under 2.0 just fine.
- SMP=1 commented out
- Poweroff on shutdown enabled

Did I miss anything else?

- --
David L. Parsley
City of Salem Schools

> Any chance to fix this ? I need threads and file locking.
Yes, excellent chances of getting it fixed -- this is Linux.

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