2.1.126 SB Sound Patch

Ely Wilson (plexus@ionet.net)
Sun, 25 Oct 1998 20:39:59 -0700 (MST)

A few days back somone posted a patch for teh sb_*.c code that fails to
compile in 2.1.126, unfortunately it was removed from my mailbox (dont ask)
and I can't get 126 to compile with sound (or umsdos, but that's another

So, I wonder if there is an 'offical' patch, somehting that someone that
maintains the sound code can agree is a good patch? If so, please email it
to me :) if not I will idle for 127 to come around and stick with 125.

---- ely --- Software/System Engineer ------
------------ <plexus@ionet.net> ------

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