Re: 2.1.123 and fbcon.c

Linus Torvalds (
Mon, 28 Sep 1998 17:35:28 -0700 (PDT)

On Tue, 29 Sep 1998, Kurt Garloff wrote:
> And you think it's a good idea to have the linux community divide into to
> parts: The Linus party and the VGER party?

No. I've tried to tell the vger people that.

The problem is that some people think that once they are in vger, they're
golden and no longer have to worry. Those kinds of people I don't care
about, I don't want to hear about, and I refuse to discuss with.

David Miller spent an inordinate amount of time in getting the crap out of
vger. That's good. He then sent me patches to sync up the parts he thought
were fine. That's even better.

The problem is that there's a ton of patches on vger, and some people do
not understand the issue of "Code Freeze". They think that just because
they had access to the CVS tree, they got under the code freeze somehow. I
won't bother educating them any more.

I'm still open to bug fixes, but they had better not be "go look at vger,
some of the stuff there is bug-fixes". Anybody who thinks that that kind
of approach works is pretty misguided.


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