File table overflow. HELP

Thomas S. Iversen (
Fri, 25 Sep 1998 14:40:00 +0200 (METDST)

Hello there!

Can you help me with a problem?

My computer starts complaing about file table overflow. What is it, and
how do I get around it?


>Job-Indexets E-mail service den 25. september 1998
>Read all the E-mail adresses from the mailinglist
>Read 1569 job-ads from the database
>Read 5 job-ads from the database of paid job-ads
>Cannot reopen dfGAA27679: File table overflow
>Can't create transcript file xfGAA28946: File table overflow
>Can't open /dev/null: File table overflow
>Cannot open hash database /etc/aliases: File table overflow
>Can't create transcript file xfGAA28947: File table overflow
>Can't open /dev/null: File table overflow
>Who are you?: File table overflow
>bin/makejobmailingdk: line 3: 25602 Segmentation fault (core dumped)
>bin/makejobmailingdk: /bin/mv: File table overflow


Thomas S. Iversen
Dept. of computer science - copenhagen, denmark.

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