Linux 2.0.36pre12 / Modular sound 2.0.36 test patch 1

Alan Cox (
Fri, 25 Sep 98 04:02 BST

2.0.36pre12 fixes the Alpha unknown syscall returning -EPERM bug, adds
Ensoniq to the PCI names and updates the parallel ide devices slightly.

As far as Im concerned that is now it for 2.0.36. Linus please have a look
through it see what you think. I'm guessing you'll want to drop the
fs/nfs changes. If so be careful to leave the nfsroot change as its not
part of the FIFO thing.

Also for modular sound freaks the test modular sound for 2.0.36 patch brings
2.0.36 roughly in line with the current 2.1.122+bits I sent Linus. Unlike
2.1.x it doesnt fix O_NDELAY so it wont break realaudio clients.

Happy testing


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