Re: IDE-UDMA error

Kyle Stevens (
Thu, 24 Sep 1998 22:18:12 -0400

Something is screwed up here guys. I dont know who any of you are and I got 210
msg's today. You guys are sending stuff to For
some reason, these msg's get into my system too. So whatever is going on, dont
send any more msg's my way. 210 is 209 too many.

Erik Corry wrote:

> In article <> you wrote:
> > > HWN> hda: dma_intr: error=0x84 { DriveStatusError BadCRC }
> > > Too long EIDE cable?
> > > I doubt it. Except for the errormessage, the system is rock solid.
> > That sounds right for an overlong IDE cable in UDMA mode
> > I checked with my vendor (that sells plenty UDMA systems), and he
> > maintains that all IDE cables they have and use are 45 cm long (which
> > is the length of mine too.)
> According to the Linux Multi-Disk HOWTO many motherboards
> connect the data lines of both channels together.
> You are using both channels, so the 45cm limit could be
> total for both channels. There are other tips there,
> it's worth reading.
> --
> Erik Corry Ceterum censeo, Microsoftem esse delendam!
> -
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