RE: max open files per process in linux kernel 2.0.35

Sunghawk Kim (
Fri, 25 Sep 1998 13:34:17 +0900

-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Elsaesser []
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 1998 9:49 PM
Subject: max open files per process in linux kernel 2.0.35

i must set the open files per process over 255. who can I do this ????
i think ulimit isn't running.
how can i do???

help me please.

thanks thomas

Best greetings from EAST GERMANY Leipzig the HEROTOWN

[Sunghawk Kim]
A couple of days ago, I post the same question subjecting as "More file descriptors are needed"
and got a patch for the many FDs from Chris Wedgwood, the kindness itself.
I did the patch on linux kernel 2.0.35, but unfortunately enough, couldn't get the right thing.
I still have 255 FDs. I guess I missed something.

Try the many FDs patch,
and please let me know your result.

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