Re: Chroot breach in 2.1.100+

Mitchell Blank Jr (
Mon, 21 Sep 1998 17:35:32 -0500

David Lang wrote:
> what I am meaning by this question is that I have several machines where
> aprocess is started chrooted from inetd. in order for the dhroot to
> succeed the uid must be root. the process is now running as root and

What you need is Venema's chrootuid program:

Is like /usr/sbin/chroot, but also starts the process as a different uid.


ps: I'm very insterested in the chroot jail with uid==0 case and have
been working in the background on some sysctl-controlled hacks
for this case. I had been waiting until 2.3 to bring them up
here though -- certainly nothing will happen before 2.2 so lets
not talk about it here. If there are others interested in this
cause please email me privately so I know where you are.

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