/bin/sh not necessarily /bin/bash (was: Re: AVL...)

Michael K. Johnson (johnsonm@redhat.com)
Mon, 21 Sep 1998 18:21:58 -0400

Adrian Bridgett writes:
>On Sun, Sep 20, 1998 at 08:35:48AM -0300, Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:
>> But it won't run many of the scripts that come with Red Hat or Slackware ---
>> I've tried it. They both assume that /bin/sh is bash in all its g(l)ory.
>Any scripts that do that are buggy and bug reports about them will be
>appreciated I'm sure. It's against Debian policy to have such scripts, and
>scripts that can use /bin/sh should do.

It is certainly Red Hat policy that scripts that require bash should
#!/bin/bash, and you are absolutely 100% right that bug reports on
this topic would be appreciated, like bug reports on other topics.

FWIW, we have run machines with /bin/ash as /bin/sh -- that doesn't mean
that every script works, as we could have missed problems, but we have
not ignored the problem.

There may be scripts in Red Hat which explicitly call /bin/bash but
which actually do not, in their current incarnation, explicitly
require bash. This can happen due to modifications, and it is not
necessarily a bug; the maintainer of that script may want to leave
in the option of using bash extensions without having to change the
top line all the time. That's at the maintainer's discretion.


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