Re: Linux Community & UDI is in the news

Gregory Maxwell (
Fri, 18 Sep 1998 21:48:31 -0400 (EDT)

On 18 Sep 1998, david parsons wrote:

> In article <>,
> Terry L Ridder <> wrote:
> [About UDI]
> > a. What is in this for the Linux Community?
> Access to device drivers from vendors who don't want to support
> Linux but who would be more than happy to support A Standard
> Pushed By A Very Large Company.

Very little normal hardware lacks linux drivers. Many makers of
weird hardware (like telecom boards from Rhetorex) are finaly comming to
their sences and making Linux drivers. Every day I see less and less
hardware that doesn't release specs. Alot what is still secret is covered
by patents (GDI printers)

> It's a little something extra that it makes it possible for
> end-users to plug GPLed UDI compatable device drivers into their
> non-Linux Unices so they can run those Unices on hardware that
> normally wouldn't support it.

If the OS is closed source then it's their weakness. Only the strong can
survive. If they arn't capible of getting drivers it's their problem, maby
they need a licencing change.

> True, the GPL would ensure that
> the vendors can't distribute those drivers, but after the end
> user sees a formerly unusable because the peripheral supplier
> didn't supply a device driver system become usable because she
> just plugged a Linux driver in, she'll be more likely to
> recommend and use Linux than she would have before[1].

Well, I can see that. Perhaps if the driver displayed a big ansi penguin

> david parsons \bi/ [1: q.v. `world domination. Fast.' ]
> \/

I really wouldn't want my GPLed code helping the makers of propritary OSes
line their wallets with cash while I dine on oddles of noodles supporting
my cause. :)

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