Re: NEWSFLASH! Linux ported to Commodore VIC-20!!

Kai Henningsen (
18 Sep 1998 16:55:00 +0200 (H. Peter Anvin) wrote on 14.09.98 in <6tjrpq$8oa$>:

> There is no way you're going to get enough quality on NTSC to
> distinguish that many pixels reliably. Especially not recorded on
> VHS... But there *are* fairly cheap off-the-shelf devices that use
> VHS tape recorders as data storage media; they were popular in the
> early 90's.

Corvus Mirror (back when Corvus made Apple ][ hard disks). It recorded
everything three times in case of errors; it actually did happen that all
three copies of some block were bad.

I think the one I remember did backup in some dentist office.

MfG Kai

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