Re: Please test knfsd-980915

G. Allen Morris III (
Thu, 17 Sep 1998 13:31:09 -0700

>>>Serguei Koubouchine said:
> Another issue is mounting the directory tree which have several FS mounted
> into (e.g. my ftp tree which I do want to export). I can see the mount
> points on such an NFS-mounted directory but I can't enter them (they appear
> empty on a client side). Is it supposed to be fixed? The good old user-side
> NFS did work fine...

It seems unlikely that this will every work on knfsd like it did on
unfsd. (It will require a large rewrite of the kernel code.)

The way to handle this is to mount all of the filesystems on the
remote system. You can use `showmount -e' to help or even write
a script that make it automatic.


G. Allen Morris III

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