Re: STREAMS: interface versus implementation

Theodore Y. Ts'o (
Wed, 16 Sep 1998 18:39:57 -0400

From: "Albert D. Cahalan" <>
Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 14:10:22 -0400 (EDT)

That's surely a great way to encourage Linux ports. Let's tell
all the app vendors that they must rewrite to get tolerable
performance on Linux.

Just asking....

Does anyone know of any significant base of application code that really
does use Streams instead of a BSD Sockets-type interface? In my
experience, the vast majority of the network applications use BSD
Sockets, followed by a smaller number of programs which use TLI (TLI is
layered on top of Streams), and only a very, very, few applications
actually use the raw streams calls.

And for the ones that do, most of them are doing something non-standard
things that you couldn't do through TLI anyway, such as push a
non-standard telephony-based module on the Stream, which wouldn't be
supported without rewriting the kernel networking stack to use STREAMS
all the way through, and suffering the resulting performance penalties.
So for many of these apps, our adding the Streams user-mode support in
the kernel won't actually buy us anything.

So before we whip ourselfs into a lather about this subject, can we
please do a reality check and see if it really matters? As I said in an
earlier post (which was ignored, as far as I can tell), it would be
helpful for someone to identify a one or more applications which will
actually benefit from this work before starting this project.

- Ted

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