[patch] scripts/Configure should use stdin

Alessandro Rubini (rubini@pop.systemy.it)
Fri, 28 Aug 1998 11:15:40 +0200

This tiny patch works with 2.1.119 and 2.0.35 (offet -7 lines). I need
it to drive "make config" without manual intervention.

My preferred cmdline looks like
yes "" | make config | tr ']' '\n' | grep -w NEW
but there are other uses of stdin. Actually, I don't see any reason to
read /dev/tty.


--- ./scripts/Configure.orig Fri Aug 28 11:03:13 1998
+++ ./scripts/Configure Fri Aug 28 11:04:09 1998
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
echo -n "$1"
[ -z "$3" ] && echo -n "(NEW) "
- IFS='@' read ans </dev/tty || exit 1
+ IFS='@' read ans || exit 1
[ -z "$ans" ] && ans=$2

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