telnetd, rxvt/xterm problems with 2.1.11[78]
Thu, 27 Aug 1998 07:34:53 -0400 (EDT)

With the last two versions of the kernel I've been unable to telnet to my
host (locally or from afar) and xterms fail. All of these things worked
perfectly with previous versions (2.1.101, 2.1.105, ...). There has been
some discussion of this on the list of late, but I don't recall seeing a
specific solution to this problem.

This is an x86, libc5 system. The problem appears whether or not I select
unix98 pty support. I have a ptmx device file:
crw-r--r-- 1 root root 5, 2 Aug 27 07:30 /dev/ptmx
But it seems to have no effect, and I haven't mounted a devpts special

Is there an upgrade of some sort I can make? Does anyone have specific
pointers to required software or commands? Documentation/Changes didn't
seem to mention anything. My apologies if this is mentioned somewhere in
the docs -- just point me to it.

-Wes Weimer

merentha:~$ telnet localhost
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
telnetd: All network ports in use.
Connection closed by foreign host.
merentha:~$ rxvt -display :0.0

rxvt: can't open pseudo-tty
rxvt: aborting
merentha:~$ xterm -display :0.0
xterm: no available ptys

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