network anomalies in 2.0.35

scratch (
Fri, 21 Aug 1998 19:07:09 +0200 (MET DST)

Yesterday I moved from 2.0.33 to 2.0.35 on my gateway server (sort of,
it's directly connected to the internet (cable), and does masquerading).

Today, I couldn't use the ftp data port anymore (20 if I'm correct), from
a machine that's on the masqueraded local network.
Anyways, performing the "ls" command on any site gave me a "Bad PORT
command" error and sometimes "ftp: bind: port already in use".
(Note: connecting to the site went OK, so port 21 seemed OK.)
On the gateway server, everything was still OK.

Sorry if this was already known, I have little time to follow linux-kernel
nowadays (holidays, you know ;)).


FWIW, I'm also experiencing ipfwadm troubles (This was the reason for
upgrading in the first place). I set up some filters to deny all inbound
packages from 2 particular class B networks. This went fine at first, but
after a few minutes, the gateway machine didn't let anything in anymore.
(outbound everything was still open). I had to flush the filters and reset
them again. Anyone?

--:: Nico Galoppo ::--------------------------------------------------
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