Re: 2.0.36prepatch6

Hubert Mantel (
Fri, 21 Aug 1998 17:39:06 +0200


On Fri, Aug 21, Henning P. Schmiedehausen wrote:

> Why does 2.0.36pre6 is suddently back to SUBLEVEL = 35 when 2.0.36pre5
> was already at SUBLEVEL = 36. (Broke many things in exciting ways... =:-( )

It isn't

> Why is 2.0.36pre6 back to aic7xxx 5.0.19 which makes it unuseable at

It isn't

> least on one of my machines. I copied the 5.0.20 aic7xxx file into the
> 2.0.36pre6 tree and this machine is rock solid since 24h.
> ... just wanted to mention it... :-)

Just take care when patching the kernel

> Ciao
> Henning
Hubert Mantel /\\

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