Re: 128MB RAM on Linux

Martin Guindon (
Fri, 21 Aug 1998 01:40:08 -0400

At 11:05 AM 8/21/98 +0700, Patpong Wetyanon wrote:
> It is sometimes harmfull to add option 'mem=xxx' in lilo without
>any knownledge about using it .. Coz when you have less memory that you
>specific in lilo option , your system will refuse to boot up . You need
>to add option mem=xxx again at LILO prompt to overwrite the old option.
> I faced some problem with the old memory dection patch (long time
>ago) when use it with some system that has memory hole at 16MB , then I
>need to add option mem=xxx to make kernel see more than 16 MB ,but the
>new kernel 2.0.36pre seem to be cleaned from this problem. Thanks alan.

I guess this could be documented *grin*. However, the LILO installer in the
distributions could display a kind of warning (Notice: If you have more
than 64 MB of RAM, you must set an additional line in the LILO
configuration. [...] blah blah blah [...] Do you want to let us set this
line for you? [Yes/No option]... and if people answer Yes, they could be
asked of how much memory they have (64, 96, 128, etc.)...


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