Re: Unable to load interpreter???

Mike A. Harris (
Mon, 17 Aug 1998 18:23:03 -0400 (EDT)

On Mon, 17 Aug 1998, Paul Wouters wrote:

> Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 14:44:19 +0200 (MET DST)
> From: Paul Wouters <>
> To: "Mike A. Harris" <>
> Subject: Re: Unable to load interpreter???
> On Mon, 17 Aug 1998, Mike A. Harris wrote:
> > Aug 17 04:34:47 red kernel: Unable to load interpreter
> > Aug 17 04:35:26 red last message repeated 3 times
> >
> > What does this mean? It was in my /var/log/messages
> >
> > I'm running kernel 2.0.35. I know what happened that caused this
> > to happen, but I don't know what it means...
> You were _desperately_ out of memory.

Then 2.0.35 has desperate memleak problems. I just got the
errors again, and only have normal system things running, no apps
except PINE. My memory shows 7M free and 18M swap free. The
errors persist however. I was not networked at the time, so it
isn't possible someone was exploiting me. I'll bet a reboot
fixes the problem. I've been up for:

6:22pm up 7 days, 9:03, 8 users, load average: 0.01, 0.01, 0.00


P.S. Hope you don't mind, I CC'd the list as I felt it was important.

Mike A. Harris  -  Computer Consultant  -  Linux advocate

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