Re: TX-PRO chipset (Was: !!Warning!! UDMA and Fujitsu

Vadim Gouterman (
14 Aug 1998 16:01:26 -0000

On Mon, 3 Aug 1998, Andrew Derrick Balsa wrote:

> Anyone using an MVP3 chipset by VIA? Does the kernel support
> this chipset? I'll probably go to K6-2-3D at the same time...
Hello Andrew,
I have a lot of weird problems running Linux on my machine.
I have Epox EP-51MVP3E-M motherboard (VIA chipset) and AMD K2-2/300.
Symptoms are: general instability, core dumps, crashes, etc. The
only solution in my case was to disable external cache and enable only
16M of RAM.
Does anybody know stable motherboad solution for the AMD K2-2 chip?

Vadim Gouterman,

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