Re: kill -9 <pid of X>

Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH (
Wed, 12 Aug 1998 20:31:23 -0300

In message <>,
"Jon M
. Taylor" writes:
| On Wed, 12 Aug 1998, Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:
| > In message <>, Alan Cox writes:
| > | an argument against any specific setup btw - no doubt kernel code would
| > | have some upset potential too)
| > "Some"? Is wedging the console less preferable than wedging thwe entire
| > system? I know where I can get NT4 in that case :-)
| Suppose the sounds driver locks up and wedges your system that
| way. Better put in in usersapce too. After all, you aare a lot better

The sound driver doesn't map and copy big chunks of memory around. More to
the point, compare the number of crashes from Alan's sound driver work to
those during fbcon development. Likewise, NT stability (granted, always an
iffy proposition) took a turn for the worse when Microsoft moved video
drivers into ring 0 during the NT4 beta cycle, and it hasn't recovered.

Then there's the OS/2 model: minimal drivers to map memory in ring 0, the
rest of the privileged part of the drivers live in ring 2 (not 3). (This
would also work for the sound drivers, come to think of it.)

You're doing your best to paint the situation as all one or all the other,
nothing in between. I regard such as overly simplistic and therefore

| screen, and if the screen is hosed I still get it in my syslog. When X

...try the scrollback/<Return> tricks recently mentioned on this list.

brandon s. allbery	[os/2][linux][solaris][japh]
system administrator	     [WAY too many hats]
electrical and computer engineering
carnegie mellon university			   (bsa@kf8nh is still valid.)

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