Re: kill -9 <pid of X>

Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH (
Wed, 12 Aug 1998 18:00:52 -0300

In message <>,
"Jon M
. Taylor" writes:
| I stand by my claim. If userspace cannot, by its nature, properly
| guarantee the atomicity of those critical sections, video card programming
| cannot be done properly in userspace. Thus, it *is* the kernel's job.

If the X server crashes in critical code and that code is in user space, you
lose the console.

If the X server crashes in critical code and that code is in kernel space,
you can crash the entire system.

This is an improvement?

brandon s. allbery	[os/2][linux][solaris][japh]
system administrator	     [WAY too many hats]
electrical and computer engineering
carnegie mellon university			   (bsa@kf8nh is still valid.)

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