Re: Compiler alternatives to no-exec (was Re: non exec stack...)

Crispin Cowan (
Wed, 12 Aug 1998 14:27:16 -0700

Erik Corry wrote:

> >> There's an even simpler fix, with the compiler just pushing 0 on entry
> >> to all functions, and on exit it pops it off and aborts if it is
> >> non-zero.
> > I have a preliminary implementation of this for egcs 1.03a. I tested
> > the overhead on gzip - it looks pretty good. I use the following
> > pattern which ensures that the branch is predicted non-taken:
> Are you aware of Stackguard. They have a modified gcc that does
> more or less this, and are in the process of building a version
> of Red Hat 5.1 that uses it.

The new StackGuard has another enhancement: not all string functions are
null-terminated. For instance, gets() terminates on CR, LF, or EOF (-1), but
reads (and copies) through nulls. The new StackGuard uses a "terminator"
canary value that is a combination of CR, -1, LF, and Null, which should
frustrate most string operations. The down-side is that this is slightly
slower than the "compare with 0" test that can be used if you just have a
Null canary word.

> It was already mentioned here:

The new StackGuard (ver. 1.1) is not yet described on the web page. The
descriptions will be updated and an announcement made in a few days when we
release the re-built RH 5.1 packages.

Credits: the "null" hack was first proposed (to my knowledge) by der mouse
in Bugtraq about 6 months ago. The terminator hack was invented by me in May
1998, when an attendee at the Oakland Security Conference pointed out that
gets() and friends aren't null-terminated.

Crispin Cowan, Research Assistant Professor of Computer Science, OGI
StackGuard: protect your software against Stack Smashing Attack

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