
Ulrich Seidl (
Wed, 12 Aug 1998 20:12:43 +0200

The new aic7xxx driver in 2.0.36pre3 seems to need "mdelay" but this is not
defined there.

drivers/scsi/scsidrivers/scsi/.a(aic7xxx.o): In function `aic7xxx_delay':
aic7xxx.o(.text+0x842): undefined reference to `mdelay'
drivers/scsi/scsi.a(aic7xxx.o): In function `aic7xxx_reset_current_bus':
aic7xxx.o(.text+0x312e): undefined reference to `mdelay'
aic7xxx.o(.text+0x3162): undefined reference to `mdelay'
drivers/scsi/scsi.a(aic7xxx.o): In function `read_seeprom':
aic7xxx.o(.text+0x8a06): undefined reference to `mdelay'
drivers/scsi/scsi.a(aic7xxx.o): In function `configure_termination':
aic7xxx.o(.text+0x916e): undefined reference to `mdelay'
drivers/scsi/scsi.a(aic7xxx.o)(.text+0xa72e): more undefined references to
`mdelay' follow
make: *** [vmlinux] Error 1

I found a define for it in drivers/sound/msnd.h and inserted

#define mdelay(a) udelay((a) * 1000)

into drivers/scsi/aic7xxx.c. Probably not the nicest way to do that, but it
works. Perhaps this should be changed for the real 2.0.36?


Ulrich Seidl Seidl@Regent.E-Technik.TU-Muenchen.DE

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