The Linux Kernel Book- errata for 9.1.4

Liran Zvibel (
Wed, 12 Aug 1998 03:16:36 +0300 (GMT+0300)

I tried sending this e-mail to David A Rusling, but neither the email
address in the book, nor any of his e-mail addresses I found on the web
actually worked.
Please forward this email to him (If someone here knows his real email

Liran Zvibel.


---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 02:26:47 +0300 (GMT+0300) From: Liran Zvibel <> To: Subject: The Linux Kernel - errata for 9.1.4 (fwd)


First of all I'd like to say how much I appreciate your work, and how great this book is. (When I have more time I'll give a more detailed impression of every chapter) You may already know that (I didn't find an errata page on the homepage of the book so I can't tell whether you already know this or not) but on chapter 9, subsubsection 1.4 you have a little mistake regarding the structure of a directory.

An ext2 directory entry has 4 parts: 1. The inode 2. The length of the entry 3. The length of the filename 4. A not-null terminating string which is the file name.

This is from ext_fs.h struct ext_dir_entry { unsigned long inode; unsigned short rec_len; unsigned short name_len; char name[EXT_NAME_LEN]; };

This way it is easy to delete files (just add the length of the entry to the one before it, if I'm not mistaken (I might easily be...), and add new files in the gaps.)

I tried to send this e-mail to the address in the book, but it seems that that account doesn't exist. Later I tried sending to, but it didn't help either.

Thank you for your work on this project (I know how hard and time consuming it is) (BTW: There are plans to change the OS course here to be Linux specific, and use your book (along with OS Concepts/ Silberschatz&Galvin) as the textbook)

Liran Zvibel.


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