Re: 100Mbps TCP stalls in 2.1.115

Rik van Riel (
Mon, 10 Aug 1998 18:11:28 +0200 (CEST)

On Mon, 10 Aug 1998, Chris Wedgwood wrote:

> > If ping is slow too it is probably a network driver problem,
> > not a TCP problem.
> No, its much stranger. I've had problem since 2.1.9x or before on
> Intel, but Alpha is fine. I've change NICs, etc. and the Intel box
> still sucks and the Alpha still works.
> I only have problems talking to some stacks, fancy stacks like recent
> '95 stacks and perhaps '98 with have scaling, SACK, etc. perform very
> well, not to fancy stacks like 2.0.x and NT blow goats.
> A breif (possible inaccurate summary):
> 2.1.x Intel <-> Windows95 + IE4.01SP1 - rocks
> 2.1.x Intel <-> 2.1.x Alpha - sucks
> 2.1.x Intel <-> Windows NT 4sp3 - sucks
> 2.1.x Intel <-> 2.0.x Intel - sucks
> 2.1.x Alpha <-> Anything ? - rocks

- simple 2.0.x works with other simple stacks, both on 32 and 64 bits
- complicated 2.1.x works great on a 64 bit arch
- complicated 2.1.x performance varies greatly on a 32 bit arch

Does this sound like "overflow" to anyone else :-)

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