DCF77 driver available

Maximilian Rixius (maxi@parsytec.de)
Mon, 10 Aug 1998 15:52:56 +0200


I just wrote a small driver (actually just a line in do_timer() and a
new entry to the procfs) for my selfmade DCF77 receiver (DCF77 is the
official German time signal broacast at 77.5kHz).

My hardware is very simple and cheap; it just demodulates the signal and
feeds it to a joystick button input. The joystick button register is
sampled with each timer tick and written to a ringbuffer. The buffer is
examined and converted to readable output just like that of "date" each
time /proc/dcf77 is read. I use this to set the time using "date"
(funnily date is stupid enough not to understand its own output as

If anyone's interested I could provide both hardware and software


Maximilian Rixius maxi@parsytec.de
parsytec Gmbh private: maxl@pinguin.oche.de

I'm the fellow throwing peas into the air

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