Re: vesafb-HOWTO v0.6 released
Sun, 09 Aug 1998 10:59:45 -0600 (MDT)

Can we stop this silly feud? It takes ALL kinds of people and browsers
to fill the world. If you choose to use a non-gui browser that is your
choice. If Alex wants to use frames in his web site, it's his choice. I
personally believe that frames, graphics and sound make the internet more
interesting (although slower to load), and I can turn them off if I choose.
Gui's have made the computer world more bearable for the masses (including me).
Instead of complaining about the use of frames, why not find, or write, a way
around, or through, it's use for lynx, or whatever browser you happen to be
using, and stop insulting the intelligence, and choices, of other people.

On 09-Aug-98 Lauri Tischler wrote:
> Hmmph.. Alex has propably lost his tiny gray cell, by demanding that people
> who use Linux also use some specific frame-enabled browser.
> I see no reason to load some useless GUI on my well functioning
> Linux-servers.
> Cheers..
> Alan Cox wrote:
>> > Actually, this has been there for a long time. I originally left that
>> > message in because older browsers doesn't support frames. I think frames
>> > are a valuable web tool.
>> Poor mislead person
>> > I was quite willing to acommodate Lynx users by modifying my web site to
>> > support Lynx users, but thanks to you, I don't think I'll be doing that.
>> So you dont care about your document being readable by the blind or people
>> stuck on things like freenet accounts ?
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