PCI setup from bios32.c breaks on some machines

david (david@kalifornia.com)
Sat, 8 Aug 1998 18:53:50 -0700

Ok, after a little debugging on the midnight hour, I've found that the PCI
configuration read routine, v1.42 breaks on one of my machines. The
result is a very fast dump of something about an unknown something "ff"
and it repeats constantly with another few messages in between. It
scrolls much to fast to catch what they are saying.

By reverting to version 1.40, the PCI setup works perfectly. If someone
can kindly forward me the url for the pci utils, i will try to give a more
detailed report.


Look, look, see Windows 98.  Buy, lemmings, buy!   
(c) 1998 David Ford.  Redistribution via the Microsoft Network is prohibited.
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