Re: v2.1.113: loop device oddities

Guest section DW (
Wed, 5 Aug 1998 13:21:52 +0200 (MET DST)

There may be a fault in the loop device and/or
the mount/umount stuff.

I am using kernelv 2.1.113 and mount/unmount v2.8

The effect: mounting a loop device is ok, umount
(seems to) work fine. Remounting is also ok, but
this time the next loop device will be used. umounting
(seems to work) again. A third remount of the loop device
fails, cause there could be no free loop device found!!!
I find no way of getting rid of that mount. I have to
reboot!!! And more bad: The harddisk device, where the
corresponding file resides cannot be umounted cleanly due
to the "hanging" connection to the loop. An fschk-run
is the result.

This is what happens if you make /etc/mtab a link to /proc/mounts.
mtab contains more information than mounts, which allows mount
to do losetup -d upon an umount. I suppose that your problem
will disappear if you do the losetup -d by hand, or if you
remove the symlink.

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