ftp trouble 2.1.114 <> Cray-System

Stefan Meixner (Stefan.Meixner@emskopp.a.shuttle.de)
Tue, 4 Aug 1998 19:43:35 +0200 (CEST)

While transferring data between my linux system (2.1.114,i486,ISDN,isync ppp)
and a Cray J90 I am experiencing strange FTP stalls. After receiving multiples
of 1024 bytes the transfer is stalled. I did not have any such problem with
kernels < ~2.1.100.
A tcpdump log then reads the following

truncated-ip - 13 bytes missing!crayfs.XXX.YYYYYYYYYYY.ZZ.ftp-data > ...

Sometimes the transfer finishes after several minutes.

Any help is appreciated!

I can provide strace and tcpdump logs if necessary.


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