Tue, 4 Aug 1998 17:49:21 +0200 (MET DST)

a new mount.
(Added some locking, opened fd 0,1,2 if these were not present,
added ufs detection, added filename mangling so that mounting
on directories with spaces in their filename works, etc.)

Maybe people that have complained about problems can check
that these are gone, or complain again.
(To me - I do not read linux-kernel.)

OBkernel: /proc/mounts has the same format as /etc/mtab.
If nobody objects against the name mangling as now done
by mount-2.8a, then the kernel code should be changed in
precisely the same way.

Andries -

PS: the past week or so, four or five people asked whether I
would put their patches in mount.c. If these changes go together
with changes in the kernel, and the official kernel does not
have them yet, then I won't put them in mount.c.
If I didnt use your favourite patch and this is not the reason,
you are welcome to send it again.

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