Re: [PATCH] [SECURITY] suid procs exec'd with bad 0,1,2 fds

Zachary Amsden (
Tue, 4 Aug 1998 08:23:43 -0400

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter T. Breuer <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Date: Tuesday, August 04, 1998 7:12 AM
Subject: Re: [PATCH] [SECURITY] suid procs exec'd with bad 0,1,2 fds

>"A month of sundays ago Alan Cox wrote:"
>> Actually a _lot_ of people run the non-excutable stack and related
>> patches. They don't break anything, they stop a lot of the "I read
>As I remember, they broke gdb.
>I saw some other funny effects later and backed them out.

Unless I am mistaken, Solar Designer fixed the gdb breakage, I believe
his first version of the patch was too picky about data segments being

However, several ways to defeat the patch and execute code through
other means have been discussed on bugtraq, and it was generally
concluded that any stack tricks pulled by the compiler or the OS will
not be able to stop all classes of overflows. Nevertheless, non-exec
stack on non-broken processors (i.e. not Intel) is a good idea.

I believe this is straying off-topic, any interested parties could
continue conversation via private email.

Zachary Amsden

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