2.1.112: cannot detach loop device

Meino Christian Cramer (root@solfire.ludwigsburg.netsurf.de)
Sat, 01 Aug 1998 11:12:42 -0000 (???)

Hi ! :-)

After downloading tomsrtbt-1..... a played around
with it.
I noticed, that unpacking the floppy image using
the loop device only works once after unpacking
the archive tomsrtbt-1....tgz.

I traced down the problem to an undetachd loop device
still hooking on the floppy image...

I tried 'losetup -d /dev/loop* ' and received

ioctl: LOOP_CLR_FD: No such device or address

Yes, Ihave included support for the loop device
(otherwise the unpacking of the floppy image would
fail in any case...)

Yes, Ihave included support for a ramdisk (otherwise...)

What is happens here? Where can I get the newest version
of losetup -- still I am believing it is a current version.

Or is it a problem of the current kernel (2.1.112)?

Thank you very much for any help!


E-Mail: Meino Christian Cramer <root@solfire.ludwigsburg.netsurf.de>
Date: 01-Aug-98
Time: 11:12:42

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