inodes are not cleared!
Wed, 22 Jul 1998 20:28:58 +0400 (MSK DST)


Enjoy with puzzle:

Jul 22 17:24:41 amber [165/0/0] mrtd[165]: [12] *ERROR* BGP4+ Cisco fcntl F_SETFL O_NONBLOCK failed (Operation not permitted)
<good load of such crap>
Jul 22 19:42:52 amber [113/2014/2014] named[113]: fcntl(rfd, NONBLOCK): Operation not permitted

How can it occur???? (look at sys_fcntl)

Answer: right, /var/run/wtmp is append-only and networking
reused its stale inode. Taking into account that this box does almost
nothing but networkig, the cancer finally results in complete
networking collapse.

This problem is cured by fixing get_empty_inode():

inode->i_count = 1;
inode->i_state = 0;
+ inode->i_flags = 0;

but I am not sure, that it is final answer. This code is enough messy
to believe that it does not forget to clear something more.

Alexey Kuznetsov

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