Somnath Roy (
Wed, 22 Jul 1998 16:52:11 +0530 (IST)


I have the following questions regarding DLLs (or shared library or runtime
library or whatever in Linux).

1. How the data segment and code segment of a DLL are mapped into the data
and code segment of the process using it ?

For e.g., if multiple processes use the same DLL, do they share the data
segment of the DLL ?

2. If the DLL dynamically allocates any memory, which process owns it ?

3. Can a DLL (or shared library or whatever in Linux) have global variables ?

4. Can a DLL create user-level threads ?

Thanx in advance,
- Somnath.

|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____/ |) \
| Somnath Roy, Wipro Ltd., /_____|___\
/DivyaSree,30,Mission Rd.,Bl-27, Ph-2241730 (Ext-3305)///////| |
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| Journey of thousand miles begins with a single step |///////| |
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