Quake performance on 2.1.110.

Myrdraal (myrdraal@jackalz.dyn.ml.org)
Tue, 21 Jul 1998 17:05:47 -0400

I might just be insane, but Quake1/qwcl seem noticably slower to me
on 2.1.110 (with the vmalloc patch reverted). It seems to halt for
a split second once or twice a second. System is 2.1.110, Cyrix 586/100
with 64mb RAM.
Linux jackalz 2.1.110 #109 Tue Jul 21 14:52:42 EDT 1998 i486
5:04pm  up  2:04, 19 users,  load average: 0.42, 0.87, 0.70

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