sound driver problems in 2.1.110

Bob_Tracy (
Tue, 21 Jul 1998 13:13:09 -0500 (CDT)

Tried the new wavefront driver, but didn't compile it as a module.
Got the following undefined symbols: attach_wavefront, probe_wavefront,
and unload_wavefront.

On another system with a Yamaha OPL3-SA, the audio and mixer devices
are nowhere to be found... Here's the /dev/sndstat output:

Load type: Driver compiled into kernel
Kernel: Linux merkin 2.1.110 #1 Tue Jul 21 10:39:36 CDT 1998 i586
Config options: 0

Installed drivers:
Type 1: OPL-2/OPL-3 FM
Type 26: MPU-401 (UART)
Type 38: Yamaha OPL3-SA
Type 40: OPL3-SA MIDI

Card config:
Yamaha OPL3-SA at 0xe80 irq 11 drq 0,1
OPL3-SA MIDI at 0x330 irq 5 drq 0
OPL-2/OPL-3 FM at 0x388 drq 0

Audio devices:

Synth devices:
0: Yamaha OPL-3

Midi devices:
0: OPL3-SA (MPU401)

0: System clock


I still have a PAS-16 on another box that I haven't had a chance to
try 2.1.110 on yet...

Bob Tracy               |  "They couldn't hit an elephant at this dist- "
Firewall Security Corp. |   - Last words of Union General John Sedgwick,            |  Battle of Spotsylvania Court House, U.S. Civil War

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