Re: FreeGPL license proposal (was Re: Linus Speaks About KDE-Bashing)

Richard Stallman (
Fri, 17 Jul 1998 02:55:04 -0600

There are two drawbacks with the Mozilla Public License.

1. It is not a real copyleft, because its form of copyleft applies
only to changes within an existing source file. Anyone can easily
make proprietary extensions to an MPL-covered prorgam by putting his
code into subroutines and putting them in separate files.

2. It is incompatible with the GPL. In other words,
if program A is released under the MPL and program B is
released under the GPL, linking A and B cannot be done
in a way that complies with both licenses.

If you want to release a program in a way that isn't a firm copyleft,
but allows linking it with anything whatever, I suggest using either
the LGPL or the distribution terms used for Guile.

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