Re: [OFFTOPIC] Re: Raytheon and Linux

Joel Jaeggli (
Mon, 13 Jul 1998 23:05:55 -0700 (PDT)

You're missing an A, Donald Becker works for NASA, more specifically he
works for "Center of Excellence in Space Data and Information Sciences" at
the Goddard Space Flight Center.

The NSA doesn't need to advertise how much computing power they have, they
have their own chip fab (the special processing labratory) see: if they want to churn out
specialized asics to attack certain cryptographic schemes you can be sure
that they would do so...


> <conspiracy_theory>
> Well, Don Becker used to work for the NSA, didn't he? The stuff the
> NSA is presumed to be doing is stuff that is eminently parallelizable
> and would work *very* well on even very large Beowulf cluster... and
> there is the rumour that the NSA doesn't want adversaries to know how
> much computer resources they have and so want to buy from as many
> sources as possible, which would make PC software even better
> suited...
> </conspiracy_theory>
> -hpa
> --
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Joel Jaeggli
Academic User Services
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