> On Tue, Jul 07, 1998 at 02:21:31PM -0500, Shawn Leas wrote:
> > To my knowledge, if you sell a single PC with Windows, you must buy a
> > liscense for ALL of the PCs you sell. This was/should have been a major
> > point with the justice dept.
> If you buy bits and put together your own PCs, you can buy OEM versions of
> Luse95 and flog them with the machine.
> Perhaps because Gateway 2000, etc. ship more volume that me they are taxed
> my M$, but presently I have no problems whipping some with windows and some
> without.
Don't tell MoneyShaft that! I cordially invite you to speak with one of
MS's lawers about their liscensing. However, don't tell them who you are,
better to be anonymous. I too, build PCs.. The way I get around it..
I supply the customer with a parts list and places to buy them, he
customer buys all the parts and software off the web, and I put it all
together and give them all sorts of free support after the install.
This way, I only sell labor. I do this as a side bit, so the fact that
most don't want to deal with all the end around buying doesn't matter. It
also helps my endevour to only build the very best.. The customer DOES
like fine grained control.. It's just that three pages of differing
and complex configurations can be mind boggling.
> -Chris
> -
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