Re: Best SMP kernel?

Anirudh Modi (
Mon, 6 Jul 1998 17:51:42 -0400 (EDT)

On Mon, 6 Jul 1998, Neil Conway wrote:

> PS: first of all I have to stick another hard disk in there,
> cos the U2W disks/adapter are just dead weight until the new
> driver arrives (unless you count playing Quake II under NT ;o))

Well, our group too got a new Dell P-II Workstation (Precision WS 410)
last week. I was supposed to install Linux on it when I realised that the
U2W controller (rather AIC-7890 chipset) is unsupported under Linux!
Luckily, Doug Ledford, the person heading the development of Adaptec
drivers, has promised a beta version of drivers supporting U2W by today
evening. You can check out his FTP site:
for the latest drivers sometime tomorrow. I am sure hoping the drivers
will work on my system (fingers crossed). Will let you know when I have
a functional Linux system without changing any h/w.

| |
| A N I R U D H M O D I |
| (currently doing M.S. in Aerospace Engg.) |
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