Re: uniform input device packets?

Mathieu Bouchard (boum01@UQAH.UQuebec.CA)
Thu, 25 Jun 1998 00:06:30 -0400 (EDT)

> - You can know/set the keyboard language, the font, the
> screen size (to any value) and save/protect them in NV RAM.

none are the responsibility of /dev/keyboard, which is more low-level.

> - You can set a special mode where every modifier key (shift,
> control, alternate, compose) send a complete and concise
> status when pressed and released.

what do you mean, complete and concise? /dev/keyboard will notify reader
about every key on the keyboard, for every press and every release.

> - You can set all keys in RAW mode (like for previous
> modifier keys) sending coordinate when pressed/released

this is the main goal of /dev/keyboard.

> - You can have multiple screen/keyboard (still ONE serial
> line or device) with complete state saved independantly

this is adressed in my version 0.1 of the protocol.

> - They have added a nice mouse control in VT1200, where
> you say when to notify (send me a report when mouse leaves
> the area defined)

this is nice, but is the responsibility of X or similar, and X needs all
intermediate info for notifying apps about cursor moves. It's true that
most of the time this feature is not used...

> - you can reach and configure a printer (same serial line)
this is doable with v0.1 of this protocol, though the bandwidth is lower
than 1/4 of normal (1/2 in the newer one)

> - you can localy cut and paste, or between session...

what do you mean? as i understand it, this is not strictly
keyboard-related, and this should be handled by a filter on top of
/dev/keyboard, under /dev/tty, or something. this is not to be handled by

> - you can switch serial protocol on the fly

from what to what protocol? which protocol layer, like switching from
VT1200 to VT100? still not related... though now that i think of it, this
general protocol could be used to send info about partially interpreted
keys, after mapping of scancode, say, #16 (0x10) to the letter 'Q' or

> - The ESC problem has never really existed (flames waited)

i could flame if understood what you mean. What is sent when you press
escape on that kind of keyboard?


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