Re: Linux Enterprise Edition

John Alvord (
Wed, 24 Jun 1998 18:22:03 -0400 (EDT)

On Wed, 24 Jun 1998, Bob Lorenzini wrote:

> On 24 Jun 1998, David Wragg wrote:
> > "Stephen C. Tweedie" <> writes:
> > > If you compare the Linux
> > > kernel right now with what is in NT, then all of the things which NT
> > > calls Enterprise Level are mostly already in Linux, and 2.4 will almost
> > > certainly be a match for NT on all accounts.
> >
> > A lot of work will be needed to match the 25 million lines of new
> > code in NT5 ;-)
> What about the 25 million lines of code they discarded. The fact they are
> only keeping 15% of NT4 means they have given up on it and starting over.

I once saw a presentation by an ex-IBMer who presented IBM's MVS or OS/390
in a utterly black slide. It was, he said, a black hole of 12 millions
lines of code, currently accreting 2 million lines of code per year. He
noted that little light was escaping...

Did anyone else note that Excel in Office 97 has, buried deep within, a
flight simulator? M$ is making way too much money...

john alvord

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